Regulatory Committee - Thursday 6 June 2024, 6:31pm - West Lindsey Webcasting
Regulatory Committee
Thursday, 6th June 2024 at 6:31pm
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Agenda item :
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Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr John Barrett
Cllr John Barrett
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr M. Palmer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr M. Palmer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Democratic Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Democratic Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Democratic Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Lead Officer
Agenda item :
6 a) Food, Health and Safety Work Plan 24/25
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Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr Trevor Bridgwood
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr John Barrett
Lead Officer
Cllr John Barrett
Lead Officer
Cllr John Barrett
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Vice Chairman - Cllr K Carless
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Agenda item :
6 b) Pavement Licensing - Review of Sub Delegation
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Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr Trevor Bridgwood
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr M. Palmer
Lead Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Cllr John Barrett
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Democratic Officer
Chairman - Cllr S Bunney
Agenda item :
6 c) Committee Work Plan
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Final Draft Minutes - 19 March 2024 KJS Comments, opens in new tab
- Food, Health and Safety Work Plan 24/25, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Food, Health and Safety Work Plan 24/25, opens in new tab
- Pavement Licensing - Extension of Sub Delegation, opens in new tab
- Regulatory Work Plan, opens in new tab