Prosperous Communities Committee - Tuesday 29 October 2024, 6:30pm - West Lindsey Webcasting
Prosperous Communities Committee
Tuesday, 29th October 2024 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
2 Public Participation
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Members' Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
5 Matters Arising Schedule
Agenda item :
6 Public Reports
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Agenda item :
6 a) Tillbridge Solar - Local Impact Report (LIR)
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- Tillbridge Solar - Local Impact Report (LIR)
- Appendix 1 Tillbridge Solar - Rule 6 Letter and Draft examination timetable
- Appendix 2 Tillbridge Solar - Order Limits
- Appendix 3 Tillbridge Solar - Other Solar Developments
- Appendix 4 Tillbridge Solar - Indicative site Layout
- Appendix 5 Tillbridge Solar - Draft Local Impact Report (LIR)
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Darcel
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 b) Tillbridge Solar - Written Representations (WR)
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- Tillbridge Solar - Written Representations (WR)
- Appendix 1 Tillbridge Solar - Rule 6 letter
- Appendix 2 Tillbridge Solar - site location
- Appendix 3 Tillbridge Solar - WLDC Solar NSIPs
- Appendix 4 Tillbridge Solar - Indicative Site Layout
- Appendix 5 Tillbridge Solar - Draft Written Representations (WR)
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr E Bailey
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Visiting Member
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Karen Carless
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 c) Sport & Physical Activity Strategy Task and Finish Group
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Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr T Young
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr T Young
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Visiting Member
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Karen Carless
Cllr Karen Carless
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Lead Officer - Sally Grindrod-Smith
Lead Officer - Sally Grindrod-Smith
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Lead Officer - Sally Grindrod-Smith
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 d) Review of litter and fly-tipping fixed penalty notice charges
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Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr T Young
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 e) Garden Waste Consultation and Business Plan
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Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 f) Side Waste Pilot
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Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Visiting Member
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Darcel
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Karen Carless
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Karen Carless
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Visiting Member
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr E Bailey
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Karen Carless
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 g) Proposed Fees and Charges 2025/2026
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- Proposed Fees and Charges 2025/2026
- Appendix A PC Schedules
- Appendix 1 Car Parks
- Appendix 2 Cemeteries
- Appendix 3 Environment Services
- Appendix 4 Fixed Penalty Notices
- Appendix 5 Land Charges
- Appendix 6 Licensing
- Appendix 7 Markets
- Appendix 8 Planning (incl CIL)
- Appendix 9 Strategic Housing
- Appendix 10 Operational Services
- Appendix 11 Garden Waste
- Appendix 12 TAC
- Appendix 13 Crematorium
- Appendix 14 Communities
- Appendix 15 Planning Policy Activity
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr Darcel
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Cllr T Young
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Agenda item :
6 h) Workplan
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr L Rollings
Webcast Finished
- 240709 published prosperous minutes, opens in new tab
- Matters Arising, opens in new tab
- Tillbridge Solar - Local Impact Report (LIR), opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Tillbridge Solar - Rule 6 Letter and Draft examination timetable, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 Tillbridge Solar - Order Limits, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 Tillbridge Solar - Other Solar Developments, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 Tillbridge Solar - Indicative site Layout, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 Tillbridge Solar - Draft Local Impact Report (LIR), opens in new tab
- Tillbridge Solar - Written Representations (WR), opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Tillbridge Solar - Rule 6 letter, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 Tillbridge Solar - site location, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 Tillbridge Solar - WLDC Solar NSIPs, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 Tillbridge Solar - Indicative Site Layout, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 Tillbridge Solar - Draft Written Representations (WR), opens in new tab
- Sport & Physical Activity Strategy Task and Finish Group, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Draft SPATFG Terms of Reference, opens in new tab
- Review of litter and fly-tipping fixed penalty notice charges, opens in new tab
- Garden Waste Consultation and Business Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Garden Waste Consultation, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 Garden Waste Business Plan, opens in new tab
- Side waste pilot, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 CESIA Side waste pilot, opens in new tab
- Proposed Fees and Charges 2025/2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix A PC Schedules, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Car Parks, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 Cemeteries, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 Environment Services, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 Fixed Penalty Notices, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 Land Charges, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 Licensing, opens in new tab
- Appendix 7 Markets, opens in new tab
- Appendix 8 Planning (incl CIL), opens in new tab
- Appendix 9 Strategic Housing, opens in new tab
- Appendix 10 Operational Services, opens in new tab
- Appendix 11 Garden Waste, opens in new tab
- Appendix 12 TAC, opens in new tab
- Appendix 13 Crematorium, opens in new tab
- Appendix 14 Communities, opens in new tab
- Appendix 15 Planning Policy Activity, opens in new tab
- work plan, opens in new tab