Prosperous Communities Committee - Tuesday 19 March 2024, 6:30pm - West Lindsey Webcasting
Prosperous Communities Committee
Tuesday, 19th March 2024 at 6:30pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
2 Public Participation
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
2 Public Participation
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Members' Declarations of Interest
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Vce Chair- Cllr Emma Bailey
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
5 Matters Arising Schedule
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 Public Reports
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Agenda item :
6 a) Recommendation from Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Cultural Strategy
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Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer- Sally Grindrod- Smith
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 b) Economic Growth Strategy Task and Finish Group
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Lead Officer- Sally Grindrod- Smith
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Lead Officer- Sally Grindrod- Smith
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Visiting Member / Speaker
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Visiting Member / Speaker
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 c) Response to Motion at Council re: Review of Side Waste Policy
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Visiting Member / Speaker
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vce Chair- Cllr Emma Bailey
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Cllr Paul Lee
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Cllr Karen Carless
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Visiting Member / Speaker
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Visiting Member / Speaker
Cllr Jacob Flear
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Democratic and Civic Officer
Democratic and Civic Officer
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Cllr Frazer Brown
Democratic and Civic Officer
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Democratic and Civic Officer
Democratic and Civic Officer
Cllr Jacob Flear
Democratic and Civic Officer
Democratic and Civic Officer
Cllr Roger Patterson
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 d) Waste Services Policies Review
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Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vce Chair- Cllr Emma Bailey
Lead Officer - Ady Selby
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Democratic and Civic Officer
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 e) Voluntary & Community Sector Funding 2024/25
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Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 f) Private Rented Sector Commitment
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Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Owen Bierley
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Roger Patterson
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Cllr Stephen Bunney
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Vice Chairman - Trevor Young
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Cllr Karen Carless
Chairman - Cllr Lesley Rollings
Agenda item :
6 g) Workplan
- 240130 published PC minutes, opens in new tab
- Matters Arising, opens in new tab
- Recommendation from Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Cultural Strategy, opens in new tab
- Economic Growth Strategy Task and Finish Group, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Economic Growth Strategy Task and Finish Group Draft Terms of Reference, opens in new tab
- Review of Side Waste Policy, opens in new tab
- Waste Services Policies Review, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Waste Services Policies (updated), opens in new tab
- Voluntary & Community Sector Funding 2024/25, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - VCS Grants Summary, opens in new tab
- Private Rented Sector Commitment, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 Private Rented Sector Commitment, opens in new tab
- Additional Item - Healthy Homes Project, opens in new tab
- work plan, opens in new tab